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Alaska Song Sparrows (Melospiza melodia) Demonstrate that Genetic Marker and Method of Analysis Matter in Subspecies Assessments. Christin L. Pruett and Kevin Winker || Ornithological Monographs 2010, 67():162-171 || om.2010.67.1.162.pdf (584.25 KB) |
Avian Subspecies and the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Susan M. Haig and Jesse D'Elia || Ornithological Monographs 2010, 67():24-34 || om.2010.67.1.24.pdf (357.85 KB) |
Avian Subspecies: Introduction. Frances C. James || Ornithological Monographs 2010, 67():1-5 || om.2010.67.1.1.pdf (135.3 KB) |
Avian Subspecies: Summary and Prospectus. Susan M. Haig and Kevin Winker || Ornithological Monographs 2010, 67():172-175 || om.2010.67.1.172.pdf (122.62 KB) |
Null Expectations in Subspecies Diagnosis. Michael A. Patten || Ornithological Monographs 2010, 67():35-41 || om.2010.67.1.35.pdf (155.98 KB) |
Phylogeography and Adaptive Plumage Evolution in Central American Subspecies of the Slate-Throated Redstart (Myioborus miniatus). Jorge L. Pérez-Emán, Ronald L. Mumme, and Piotr G. Jablo?ski || Ornithological Monographs 2010, 67():90-102 || om.2010.67.1.90.pdf (511.73 KB) |
Quantifying Subspecies Analysis: A Case Study of Morphometric Variation and Subspecies in the Woodcreeper Genus Dendrocolaptes. Curtis A. Marantz and Michael A. Patten || Ornithological Monographs 2010, 67():123-140 || om.2010.67.1.123.pdf (653.78 KB) |
Revisiting Species and Subspecies of Island Birds for a Better Assessment of Biodiversity. H. Douglas Pratt || Ornithological Monographs 2010, 67():79-89 || om.2010.67.1.79.pdf (338.29 KB) |
Subspecies are for Convenience. John W. Fitzpatrick || Ornithological Monographs 2010, 67():54-61 || om.2010.67.1.54.pdf (349.42 KB) |
Subspecies as a Meaningful Taxonomic Rank in Avian Classification. J. V. Remsen, Jr. || Ornithological Monographs 2010, 67():62-78 || om.2010.67.1.62.pdf (421.15 KB) |
Subspecies Origination and Extinction in Birds. Albert B. Phillimore || Ornithological Monographs 2010, 67():42-53 || om.2010.67.1.42.pdf (373.37 KB) |
Subspecies Represent Geographically Partitioned Variation, a Gold Mine of Evolutionary Biology, and a Challenge for Conservation. Kevin Winker || Ornithological Monographs 2010, 67():6-23 || om.2010.67.1.6.pdf (552.34 KB) |
The Significance of Subspecies: A Case Study of Sage Sparrows (Emberizidae, Amphispiza belli). Carla Cicero || Ornithological Monographs 2010, 67():103-113 || om.2010.67.1.103.pdf (522.73 KB) |
Divergence Between Subspecies Groups of Swainson's Thrush (Catharus ustulatus ustulatus and C. u. swainsoni). Kristen Ruegg || Ornithological Monographs 2007, 63():67-77 || 40166899.pdf (1.02 MB) |
Named Subspecies and Their Significance in Contemporary Ornithology. James D. Rising || Ornithological Monographs 2007, 63():45-54 || 40166897.pdf (222.18 KB) |