Publications Received
Publications Received.
Keeler. Chas. A. Bird Notes Afield. pp. 353. (See review.)
Shufeldt, Dr. R. W. Notes on the Mountain Partridge (Oreortyx pictus) in Captivity. Extract from Ornis Bulletin du Comite Ornithologique International. Paris, Nov.-Dec., 1899, p. 71-78 One plate.
The paper is based upon some twenty living birds of this species secured from California and kept in confinement at Washington, D. C., but deals more particularly with a single male bird which Dr. Shufeldt kept at his home for the purpose of study. A majority of the birds did not thrive, owing to adverse conditions, and showed little of the activity of wild life, but under proper conditions Dr. Shufeldt considers thev would do well. The paper observes that “the two feathers constituting the plume are kept in contact for their entire lengths at all times and in all positions, giving the appearance of their being but one of them.” A page photographic plate taken from life by Dr. Shufeldt, ornaments the paper and serves excellently to show the crest, plume and other characteristics of this magnificent quail.